Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, June 30, 2012

My main little man!

Tonight Carter and I went on a Mommy/Son date to eat our all time favorite, MEXICAN! We had a great time just me and my little man!

On the way out the door with my date!
Sizing up the menu!
This little boy could eat cheese dip all day..everyday if we would let him.
Carter even got a special dessert with his meal.
What a fun night!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Best Buds...

Carter got to have a play date today with his best friend, Lewis. Lewis recently moved schools and his mama called said that Lewis was really missing his best pal, so we decided to invite him over to play.

These two are practically inseparable!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Papa Craig

Tuesday Papa Craig came down and visited us! He brought Carter and Layla's favorite dinner, PIZZA! What a special dinner treat on a Tuesday evening!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool Day!

Another weekend well spent at the pool! The kids really look forward to going on the weekends and we are hoping that they will be ready for the sand and ocean come August!

A beautiful June day with a high of 93 degrees!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Feeling better!

It appear Miss Layla did have a little bug..THANK GOODNESS..because today, we have been out and about running errands and then this evening, we settled down with a little Mexican.

This is definitely a girl "on the go". If we even mention running errands, she is ready to go bye-bye right then and there.
Luckily I have found new ways to occupy her while I get ready. I just wish it was long enough so I could dry my hair..to say the least.
Al sizing up the menu. I don't know why he even bothers..he knows he is going to order two soft tacos.
All Carter knows is that their better be CHEESE DIP! What's Mexican food without any cheese dip?
And let there be cheese!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just pitiful

Thank goodness it's Friday for this mama because Miss Layla came down with a little fever and had to be sent home from school.

Rosie cheeks and all, bless her heart! Hopefully it's just a little bug!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pool Day!

Carter and Layla have really been enjoying the pool this summer. Layla absolutely loves the water and has not been scared of it all. She loves to float around in her little yellow dounut while Carter is much more a side line kind of guy. Carter would rather throw his water toys and sister in the pool  then himself.

The pool! One of our favorite summer places!
Layla enjoying her baby dounut! Such a sweet little water baby!
Chilling on the side lines!
Carter and I trying to get our tan while little Miss Layla doesn't have to try at all.

Two tired kids after some fun in the sun!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day to my wonderful husband, my brother, my brother in laws, my father in law, Al's paw-paw, my paw-paw, and my daddy!

Hope everyone had a special day with their special daddies! We spent our day at the pool with my dad followed by a yummy cookout. The only problem is..I forgot my camera :(

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


After a long weekend in Ohio, this mama is wore out. No gourmet meal tonight, for this naughty pair, McDonalds was just right.

Her all time favorite, a Cheeseburger Happy Meal!
This little guy takes after his daddy, the Chicken Nugget Happy Meal.
I have to say that I am pretty impressed that Carter and Layla always eat their apples first our of their happy meals. I sure hope it stays that way.
A little outside playtime after dinner.

Monday, June 11, 2012


June has started off to be a very busy month for us here in Georgia. Last weekend we went to Tennessee, and this weekend, I went to Ohio. My grandma has become terminally ill and I went to visit her while she is still able to remember who I am. Here are some pictures of my trip and some of Al holding down the fort while I was away.

A beautiful church in downtown Cincinatti.

Chase and Nick waiting to go in and see Grandma. She wanted to make sure she was nice and ready to see us. The nurses call her a big diva.

My cousins Sarah and Nicholas. I haven't seen them in over 10 years.

Meeting my Uncle Gary for the first time in Springboro Cemitary.

Meeting my paw-paw Enix for the first time as well. He died a few years before I was born. I was his first granddaughter.

This dragon is over 25 years old. When Nick was a toddler, my parents drove to Ohio and he pitched a fit to stop and have his picture made with it and well he pitched a fit at 27 years old to stop and see it again.

Nick and Chase by the dragon's tail.
Meanwhile, back in the "L-ville"...everything seemed to be going swell.

Somebody talked daddy into using his iPad.

While someone else was upset that she wasn't getting to play on the iPad.