Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Birthday Fun!

Carter celebrated his 4th birthday today with his friends from school since his real birthday falls on a Wednesday! Nothing too fancy..we had it at our house and just hung out and had pizza and lots of birthday cake!

Birthday boy!
He wanted a Car's themed party complete with a Car's chocolate cake.
Our little set up.

Carter's best buddy, Will.
Someone else has a birthday coming up as well, Miss Layla!
Arguing over who gets the "Lightening McQueen" off the birthday cake.
Will, Lewis, Amelia, and baby Charlotte.

The crew finishing up pizza and ready for cake.

Candles lit..ready to sing "Happy Birthday"!

Making his birthday wish. It's so hard to believe we have a almost four year old. Seems like only yesterday he was still a baby.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he is almost 4! He is still my little nugget!
