Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

I was so ready for the extra long weekend we got for Memorial Day this year! A weekend full of relaxation, the pool, and MIMIs! Kinda sad that is was my first Memorial Day in 6 years that I was not in the Air Force but still a great weekend!

Carter's 4th Memorial Day! "Mama today is a day for the soldiers and they carry around the flag!"

Layla's 2nd Memorial Day. I don't think she understands why everyone keeps telling her how pretty she looks in her flags!

Mimi and uncle Chase!

After a long car ride, having dinner at Ihop. Breakfast for dinner..Al and Carter's favorite!

Settling for the "Happy Face" pancake! Carter told me that I needed to add chocolate chips to our "Make a face" pancakes at home. I will have to remember to take note of that.

One hungry girl ready for her dinner. That plate was nonexistent after 5 minutes!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Goodbye Rain..Hello Sunshine

Not a whole lot going on around here. The weather has been bad these last few days so the kids have had to play inside but today the sun is out and so are Carter, Layla, and Gracie!

Carter loves blowing bubble and Layla..she loves to eat them which isn't completely out of character for her.
Layla is becoming such a big girl! Where does all the time go?
Trying to catch some bubbles!
Apparently they were not the only ones...
Trying to catch some bubbles..to eat of course.
It appears that Layla was not the only one with a stomach full of bubbles. Hard to believe this furry pup is 9 months old!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Make a face" Pancakes

A friend of mine found a really cute idea on Pinterest so my kiddos and I decided to try it out this morning for breakfast! It's called "make a face" pancakes.

The supplies you'll need: fresh fruit of your choice (we chose strawberry and bananas), cooked pancakes, and whip cream!
Miss Layla's pancake! I helped her out a little bit with hers.
Carter had a blast making his pancake!
Carter's masterpiece!
Two full kiddos and I on our way to church!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Two years ago today my sweet baby girl made her debut! It's so hard to believe how fast she has grown! 

Tonight we celebrated Layla's birthday dinner at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants!
This little guy loves some cheese dip.
Making her special birthday wish!
Up close of her cake!
Opening presents! She was really into it this year!
While someone else couldn't stand to let her open a thing!
Happy Birthday Mama..we love you!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mama's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my awesome Mamas! This was an awesome Mother's Day, I got to sleep past 9:00 a.m., got my back rubbed by Al, the coffee was made, and my kids had made me some super sweet goodies!

These sweet little ones make everyday awesome and I couldn't be prouder to be their Mom!
Hard to believe she will be two tomorrow!
This little guy was the first to make me a mama! I brought him home from the hospital on my first Mother's Day ever!
Not to mention, I did learn from the best mama ever!
I am so blessed that I get to still spend Mother's Day with my mama!
My goodies!
From Carter!
From Layla!
From my baby daddy! What a great Mother's Day with many more to come!

Friday, May 11, 2012


After a full day of work and school, the kids, Al, and I decided to wind down with some fun in the HOSE! It is actually kind of sad that when you turn on the hose, the water is as hot as it is outside!

Carter happy only because he hasn't been sprayed with the hose.

"Ridin' Dirty!"

Carter after he was sprayed!

Layla getting ready to get hers!!!

And yeah, she finally got hers!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It seems like only yesterday that...

Carter was just born, May 9th, 2008

Then turned one, May 9th, 2009

Then turned two, May 9th, 2010

Then on to three, May 9th, 2011

And now four. May 9th, 2012!!!! 

 Here are some shots of him on his official fourth birthday!

What a great Birthday!!!!

At the age of four, Carter is very observant and ingenious! He never misses a beat and how you see him, is how he is all the time! He is always smiling and always happy (unless Layla is on his nerves). He is definitely a big mama's boy and loves to go everywhere with me and ask me what I think often.

Favorites: Books, being read too, playing outside, trains, cars, games, movies, schools, Layla, and Gracie.
Foods: Pizza, donuts, chicken nuggets, cookies, cake, cereal, pop tarts, bananas, apples (we are still a pretty picky eater)
New Quote: "Mom, what are you cooking for dinner"? Typical man in the making.
Best Buds: Lewis, Will, Micah, Amelia, Zek, Addison, Layla, and Gracie