Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, August 22, 2011

3 and 15 Months!

Carter and Layla went for their check ups yesterday and they both seem to be growing perfectly and right on track. Carter had a blast identifying the pictures during the vision test and we learned that he also has 20/20 vision (unlike his poor blind mama). We also know that his tubes are in good working order due to a physical examination and also a hearing test; so that pretty much confirms his "selective hearing". At three years Carter's stats are as follows:

Height: 38 inches 55%
Weight: 32 lbs 30%

We also thought that we were out of the water as far as shots were concerned..we were wrong but at least he only needed one unlike poor Layla.

Miss Layla is turning into quite the little talker. She can say a few words now that include: Mama, dada, sheep, cow, Carter, pretty, yes, no, and phrases like "what's this". Pretty much a full time walker now, Layla is officially into chasing her big brother around. Not to mention she loves to dance and eat! You take Layla to a restaurant and she will eat a full course meal. She loves getting her toes painted and she loves to look "pwetty". At 15 months Layla is:

Heights: 32 inches 80%
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz 65%
HC: 48 1/4 cm >95%

Happy 15 month old!

Someone is finally using the potty on a more regular basis! Thank goodness!

They grow way too fast!