Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, July 23, 2011


This past Saturday we loaded up and headed to Walhalla to see Nana Bev and John. We had a great time catching up, spending time together, relaxing, and of course enjoying Nana's awesome cooking! Here are a few pictures of our weekend!

Two little munchkins happy to see their Nana and Mr. John!

Carter and Mr. John!

Layla loves John..I think she preferred him over us all..haha.

Poor Nana..these babies were all over her.

Layla riding the tricycle! Big girl! Wouldn't you know she would ride a bike before she walked.

Feeding the fish at Nana's park. Carter loved all the fish..they would literally swim right up to you.

Layla and daddy at the park.

The fish!

Carter's spooky house!

What a great weekend! Thanks for having us Nana and John!

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