Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Too Cute!

I came home from work to find this in my living room...

Carter: Mama! My dinosaur needed some shoes before he was aloud to go outside.
Me: Good thinking Carter, but it's raining..maybe Mr. Rex can go outside another day.
Carter: Duh Mama, I knew that..I was just making him try them on so he would know they fit when it quit raining.
Me: They look a little big..you wouldn't want him to fall
Carter: He will grow into them.

I could not stop laughing. We left Mr. Rex's shoes on for Al to see when he came home. I am sure most toddlers do stuff like this all the time, however, I just found it so amusing that Carter was already sounding like Al and I as parents. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. Ha..that is too cute! I would have left it on display. My smart boy!
