Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Paw-paw, Cha, and Nana's Birthday!

Since Haley is on active duty with the Air Force, I had to take over the blogging for the weekend. Saturday morning, I loaded up Carter and Layla and headed to Walhalla to stay with mom and John. Sunday, we went to Seluda to Aunt Sa's cabin to celebrate three birthdays (Paw-paw, Cha, and mom). The kids enjoyed the mountains and scenery and Layla enjoyed being passed back and forth.

Layla with Nana.

Layla and Kiera. I believe they are a little more then 9 months apart.

Carter into all the toys.

Beetsie and Kiera.

Somebody got tired half way through the festivities and slept pretty good.

Paw-paw playing on the floor with Layla and Carter. It's not everyday you see a 96 year old playing on the floor.

The birthday crew blowing out their candles.

Layla and Uncle Rick!

Carter wanting to take a dip. He sure loves the pool.

Again, the birthday paw-paw on the floor with two of his great grand kids.

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