Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Bed!

Bye bye crib because Carter has moved on to bigger and better things. A nice full sized bed fully decked out in Thomas the Train of course. He was so excited to be in his new bed! Now that we have the crib down, we start the focus on the working progress of Layla's room.

Carter's new bed! It was actually mine when I was a child. I think I was three when I started sleeping in it.
Where the crib used to be. His room is still a working progress but amazon couldn't get more of his Thomas decor here any quicker.
Happy fella!

"Night night mommy and daddy, I wuv you!" It almost made me want to cry not see him in his crib. He is growing up too fast.
Layla's princess decor which will always remain the same for obvious reasons.
Just a few layers of paint on their walls we will be set. Oh and of course we will have to move out Layla's future bed until she is old enough to sleep in it.

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