Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mama returns to Duty

This was an exhausting weekend. It was my first weekend back at Dobbins and it is a good thing little miss Layla is sleeping through the night. Getting up at 0430, this tired hard working Mama needed all the sleep she could get. It was great being back but hard being away from my munchkins. It was also Al's first weekend alone with both kids. I'll give the guy credit..the nipples might not have been boiled or the kids might have stayed in their PJs all day but he held down the fort pretty well. What an awesome daddy!

My sweet baby girl and I.
Kisses from Mama
Time to go..don't we look cheerful for 0400?
Kissing my little man bye. Notice how he sleeps in his big boy bed..I was glad I got to tuck him back in.
I know this is a little blurry, but I had Al send me pictures of the munchkins all day.
Glad to see smiles while I was at work.

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