Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pretty Girl

Friday night, my mom took Carter with her to run errands so I could only paparazi one of my children..so poor Layla was the victim.
She loves her mobile.
Happy girl.

She loves her bumbo chair. She sometimes even bathes in it.
Getting ready for her bath!

My sweet baby girl and I.
Clean girl..almost.
All clean rocking with her daddy.

Big girl bed!

Layla slept in her crib for the first time this week. I was kinda sad that our roommate moved across the hall but she is sleeping very well at night. Layla sleeps from 8 PM to 7 AM. We are trying to get her on the Carter schedule of 7 PM to 8 AM but like everything it is a working progress.

Out like a light!
Al and I are so blessed to have had such good little sleepers.

Sleeping soundly in her big girl bed....
While someone else decided he was going to wake up. At least he went right back to sleep.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Tonight was an awfully tiring night for a Tuesday. I would normally expect this on a Monday but a Tuesday is highly unusual. I did really good tonight! I got both children fed, bathed, and in bed by 7:30. Pretty relaxing night if you ask me.

Sleeping girl!

Or not so relaxing...
One more book and then seriously we are going to bed.
However, I don't think mommy made it to that last book. Daddy came home to find this.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Drama Queen

I want everyone to see this little drama queen in action with her pouty face. Layla loves to get her way by puckering out her little lips. Oh and FYI, it works too.

ER Visit: Sinusitis

This weekend was pretty pitiful around here. Friday night I was out running errands and went to check on Carter to find he had a fever of a 103 degrees. About an hour after giving Motrin, the fever was still the same. I snatched him up and headed immediately to the emergency room. He had seen his ENT Thursday and was put on Amoxicillian for what seemed like a minor infection but things sure can change quickly.

Carter at the ER waiting on the Doctor..pitiful.
He was so hot they made me take off his shirt and yes, he refused to wear a gown. Typical two old.
The final verdict was a severe case of Sinusitis. We also discovered that there is a biter in Carter's daycare at the church. When undressing him at the ER, I discovered a series of bruised teeth marks up and down his arms. I tried several times to get the name of the child to properly address the issue but Carter was too distracted. It took the Dr. one try and Carter gave the name of a little boy named Britton. Boy, will Britton be dreading this mama on Monday!

Overall, Carter has improved since Friday. He is still not eating well but he is drinking a lot, playing with his toys again, and being extra cuddly!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Home from busy days!

The evening is always the best part of my day because it means I am home with Al and the munchkins.

Al's favorite part of the day.
Ummm..Carter we have to have a talk. I will not be leaving my pumps out anymore.
Layla loves mommy and daddy's bed.
Pretty girl
Loving on his sissy.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend was rather busy for us. Saturday, we attended one of Carter's friend's birthday party and spent the afternoon at the park celebrating. Sunday, we went to church and then paw-paws to have lunch.
Carter loves to swing.
Happy Boy
Going down the slide all by himself.

Charlotte holding Miss Layla.
Thanks to the goody bags, we got covered in stickers.
Birthday girl!


Friday I took Layla in for her two month check-up and boy has she grown. I believe that we are officially out of size one diapers and might be pretty close to being out of size twos. She also got her shots and barely cried at all. Her STATs are as follows:

Weight: 14lbs 6oz >95%
Height: 24 inches 95%
HC: 41 & 1/2 cm 95%

It appears that Miss Layla Nicole is still maintaining her 95% stats. The Dr. said she is growing great and to keep up the good work mom and dad.

Pretty girl!
Super happy..somebody loves to be photographed unlike her brother.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 Pair

Today Layla turned two months old and my sweet baby boy is 2 years old. Layla doesn't go to the Dr. until Friday but I will be sure to update everyone with her STATS. I took a few pictures of my munchkins playing in Layla's crib.

Happy two months baby.
Kisses from her big brother.
Chilling in her crib.
Happy girl
Carter to the rescue.
I think she likes her new bed!
Carter being devious in what was once known as his crib.
I just absolutely love those two. I am so blessed. I couldn't be prouder to be their mom!

Monday, July 12, 2010


The day I finally lived for.....

I think the pictures can speak for themselves.

Two clean little bodies!
Thank goodness for the bumbo chair.
Happy boy to finally have a tub companion!
Little skinny Carter and then chunky monkey...
Spit up..no problem.