Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Best part of the day!

BATH TIME!!!!!!!

It definitely means that my day is on a downhill slide from here. Carter loves bath time and would honestly stay in the tub all night if we would let him.

Just what do you think you are doing? I leave for a second (yay..parent of the year award..right here) and the second I come back..I find this. A accident waiting to happen.

Coloring in the bath. Thanks Nana Bev..my shower walls love this as much as Carter does..haha.

Carter realizing he can make his own bubbles by passing gas in the tub. He finds it very amusing.

A wild boy with a clean set of locks!

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Taaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaa..the finished product. He was really tired of the camera at this point.

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