Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jurassic Boat Ride!

Carter insisted on going on this Jurassic boat ride in Pigeon Forge because he saw the dinosaurs outside and well, he absolutely loves dinosaurs. So we went and let's just say, he was not impressed but TERRIFIED!! 

We tried to warn him that it wasn't going to be super educational like he was expecting, but we all learn the hard way.
I don't know if it was the robots themselves or the noise that did then in. Layla was not impressed from the get go.

I thought the ride was rather humorous but I guess not everyone has my sense of humor.
I wish I had pictures of the kid's faces after the boat ride..poor things.
We then proceeded to what looked like an upside down house...
And well it was but it was also a huge jungle gym for older kids so we did not stay long. I seriously felt like Alice in Wonderland walking into this place.

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