Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gatlinburg Aquarium

Took the kids to Gatlinburg for spring break and met up with Nana Bev. Our first day we went to the Gatlinburg Aquarium and had a blast. Here are some of the many pictures that I took of the sea life. I would love to post them all but that might take several blog entries.

Gotta love a family photo with that one family member picking their nose..yeah Layla totally earned that title today! Last time we here, Carter was 22 months and Layla was still in utero.
Nana Bev and the babies!
Giant turtle fossils? Anyways, this was right up Carter's ally seeing how his new career of choice is a paleontologist.

Looking above the shark tank. Would hate to fall in.
So sweet!
Our favorite part of the aquarium!

Looks like Carter is about to be taken out by a shark haha. What a fun day!

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