Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, April 28, 2014

3 times a charm!

Poor Carter had to get more tubes put in his ears and have his adenoids taken out. Poor little fella! 

Having been down this road twice before, he was a little nervous.
He had a real hard time during recovery this time around and had to have some heavy duty pain medicine. Today, he is feeling a lot better and is on the mend.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Water fun!

Took the kiddos to the indoor Aquatic center today! All the pools are still closed but with this GA heat, we needed some pool fun.

Indoor aquatic center!
I couldn't convince either of them to do the lazy river with me. Boo!
Happy girl! So stoked to be getting some pool action. I am more of an outdoor pool person myself but this will do.
My Carterman! I am so happy that he is finally starting to enjoy getting in the pool instead of starring at it. Definitely a big step to see him in it and enjoying himself.

My goal is to have to tired kids tonight and well I think I definitely succeeded! Happy Saturday!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Let it go!!

What my car looks like on a Thursday afternoon when Frozen's "Let it go" comes on.

Singing their little hearts out!
I have to admit, I enjoy singing it as much as they do. No video recording necessary haha.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pita Pizzas

It's always nice getting a break from cooking dinner. Carter and Layla made pita pizzas for us! Extra yummy and surprisingly healthy (for pizza). Here's my little chefs in action.

"Lots of cheese is the key Mama", Carter says. Sadly, I have to agree but vetoed "a lot of cheese" on my pizza.

Layla's secret ingredient is extra sauce. A little extra marinara, I am okay with that.

Bake at 350 for about 18 minutes!
And enjoy!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We went to Clemson for church and then to Paw-paw's house for Easter lunch.

One of my favorite crews! Missing all family.
Family photo after Easter lunch. Trying to get the kids to smile at the same time is always a challenge.
The babies before church!

My handsome little fella and I.
Egg huntin' action.

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Easter.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Eve!

We went to Nana Bev and John's this weekend to celebrate Easter. One Easter bunny was helping out in the yard while the other one was out shopping for last minute basket gifts.

Of course it is always hard to shop with this much cuteness as a distraction.
Coloring and working on some cards for the Easter bunny. Maybe there is some hope that he will still come and fill up their little Easter baskets.

Waiting to see if the Easter bunny came...anticipation is a must.
Rest assured, he visited Layla..
and Carter.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Happy Birthday Uncle Chase! My little bro and his roommates came over to celebrate Chase turning the big 1-9! 

Callum, Chase, Lewis, and James. Lewis and Callum are both here on soccer scholarships from England. Notice all the cups of hot tea.
Homemade cupcakes for the big 19 year old.
Carter and Layla in on the birthday action.
Opening presents.

Monday, April 14, 2014

One last stop!

On our way home from Gatlinburg, we stopped in Athens for a quick visit with Papa Craig, Mabel, and Grandma.

Family pic!
The weather was perfect for playing outside. After a long chilly week in the mountains, it was nice to have some 70 degree weather.
Such a daddy's girl!

Grandma's neighbor's grandchildren came to play with Carter and Layla! They had such a good time.
Such sweet girls.

Breakfast before hitting the road back to Atlanta!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Plum Tea Room

Bev and I went to a place called The Wild Plum Tea room which is a little restaurant located in Gatlinburg that serves wonderful hot tea (a special tea they are known for) and great food! Bev had come here over 10 years ago with Beetsie and it was definitely a place for just us girls. 

Al was such a good sport to watch the kiddos while we went and had an adult tea party..twice. Yes, we liked the food so much that we went back again during our stay.
My new favorite tea. It can be served hot or cold. We had ours hot because I think we both wanted the fancy tea cups.
They had several wonderful desserts, however, our waitress had us at "brownie". It really doesn't take much.