Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!

Snow finally poured over Atlanta last night! We woke up to a beautiful snowfall this morning! A much better scenery then ice! 

A good couple of inches here and there.
Snow angels!

A little more sledding to add to the mix.
"Do you want to build a snowmaaaaannn"? Says my inner soloist (Frozen). This is Pax, named after this storm. Isn't he cute?
My sweet girl and I. Bless her heart, she call only last a few minutes before begging for a hot shower and hot cocoa.
The weather is suppose to get up into the low 40's today which will melt most of our winter storm and the 60 degree weather will take the rest of it with it this weekend. I think General Lee needs to be punted for his fraudulent weather forecast of spring being close.

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