Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stumphouse Tunnel

We went and visited Nana Bev this past weekend in Walhalla and took a trip to explore Stumphouse Tunnel (an Underground Railroad that the confederate army was building to get to Knoxville, TN and never was completed).

Going up to see the tunnel.

Pretty creepy. Al swears he saw a bat but I did not see anything.

We also adventured over and saw Issaqueena Falls.
Beautiful falls.

While in SC, we also took a visit to see Beetsie and Papa.
Drawing for Paw-paw!
A little ice-cream on the university campus.
The military plaza at Clemson University.
Pizza is the perfect way to end a busy day!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Little Celeb!

My sweet boy got to be on the school news today for writing an exceptional piece about George Washington. He was accompanied by his principal and two other students from higher grades who also had excellent writing pieces. Definitely a proud mama moment for me!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Valentines!

The Cupid came and visited the Atlanta Hardins this Valentines! 

My sweet little Valentines!

Opening up their Valentines from mommy and daddy.
Coq au Vin cooking for my special Valentine!
Another special Valentine I got to cuddle with.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quakes?? In Georgia!!??

Nothing like getting woken up or "shaken up" at 10:30 p.m. by an earthquake. Poor Georgia needs a break from Mother Nature. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!

Snow finally poured over Atlanta last night! We woke up to a beautiful snowfall this morning! A much better scenery then ice! 

A good couple of inches here and there.
Snow angels!

A little more sledding to add to the mix.
"Do you want to build a snowmaaaaannn"? Says my inner soloist (Frozen). This is Pax, named after this storm. Isn't he cute?
My sweet girl and I. Bless her heart, she call only last a few minutes before begging for a hot shower and hot cocoa.
The weather is suppose to get up into the low 40's today which will melt most of our winter storm and the 60 degree weather will take the rest of it with it this weekend. I think General Lee needs to be punted for his fraudulent weather forecast of spring being close.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Finally convinced Al and the kids to do a little sledding! 

All bundled up and ready to go! Yes, we found the gloves and mittens unlike two weeks ago but that's just how we roll in the ATL.
Carter getting ready to brave the slopes!

Perfect landing!
Layla's turn! She was so excited!

My turn! Got to love my military issued combat boots and hat. Who would have thought I would be quite the snow and ice fashionista?
For such a short distance, it was a rough ride down. Sometimes it's good to have a big butt.
My photographer thought he was being mighty cute capturing me spun out at the bottom of the hill. I mean, he is rather cute just not with the camera.
And finally Al's turn. I don't have to tell y'all what karma is.
No spin out for Al. He is just not a pro like me (sarcastic voice).
As always...
Hot cocoa for my babies! Al and I have big plans for our hot cocoa that includes but are not limited to: these two going to bed and some Baileys to spice things up a bit. Totally kidding!  Seriously, these two are going to bed...early!

Iced in!

The Atlanta Hardins are officially iced in. We got a nice dusting of snow yesterday followed by an ice storm. We are to expect another 3-6 inches of snow by tomorrow morning. 

This is only the beginning. Praying we do not loose power.

It looks like beautiful snow on the road but is a huge sheet of ice.

What our street looks like now.
Sorry, just had too! I couldn't convince Al and the kiddos to come outside with me for an ice pop..literally!