Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, May 30, 2013

59 and 60!!

Happy Birthday Mimi and Paw-paw! We love you very much and hope y'all have a wonderful birthday!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Will's Birthday Party

Carter's best bud Will joined the 5 year old club as well and celebrated turning half a decade at Monkey Joes! 

Will's mama made his cake and cupcakes and did such a wonderful job! My secret is the Publix bakery..haha.
Little miss thing getting her face painted.
She went with the most girly design on display..the pink heart.
Everyone getting ready for pizza and homemade cake.
Will had to have to have his best bud Carter with him to blow out his candles and make his 5 year old wish!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend!

I sure have been a slacking mama on my blogging lately, but come August, I will have a lot more time to blog and update everyone on the kiddos latest adventures. I will officially be staying at home with them! I am super excited to get to have this time with my children while they are still little! Getting back to Memorial Day, we took the kiddos to Stone Mountain with some friends we met through baseball and their kids!

Carter and Nicholas enjoying some cookies on the laser show lawn!

The crew all riding the train. This was the first time we rode the train (we rode it two more times per the kids request).
Nicholas and Carter waiting patiently on their picnic lunch.
Fun at the water park!

Passed out on the last train ride!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chase's Graduation

I feel like we have been attending graduations left and right around here. My baby brother (not really a baby) graduated Friday night from Franklin County High School with honors. I am so proud of him! My mom and I decided that August is going to be a sad month for us. Carter will be starting kindergarten and her youngest will be attending Georgia Gwinnett College and will no longer be living at home.

To get to their seats, they had to walk by all the family members in the stands.
Receiving his HS diploma! I am so proud of him.
My dad, Nick, and myself with the graduate!
My cousin Brittany and I! She was also a graduate of Franklin county! This was during the family get together before graduation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pre-K Graduation

My sweet baby graduated from Pre-K today! hard to believe he is going to be starting kindergarten in August!
He is the one in the bright yellow!
Getting ready to get his diploma.
He had his mama in tears!
They did a slide show asking all the kids different questions about their future, Carter was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and his response had the audience laughing was "batman, but I have to go to college first".   

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Little miss Layla celebrated her 3rd birthday today! She went to school and brought a cookie cake for all her friends to enjoy and then came home to pick where she wanted to eat for her birthday dinner.

And McDonalds suited her just fine. Fair enough, it's where she picked.
Her stash!
Opening up her presents!
Her ultimate favorite, chocolate cake.
Making her wish and sporting her new sunglasses from Mimi.
Hard to believe that Layla is 3! Where does all the time go? I feel like my babies are growing up with the blink of an eye.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

My mom came down Saturday and stayed the night with us this Mother's Day! We had lunch, opened presents from the kids and just relaxed.

My sweet lovin' from my sweet kiddos and baby daddy!
Carter's gift to me! It was a "do not disturb" sign for my door that he made.
We took the kiddos to the playground right near our house and let the kiddos  run wild.

The babies with the best mama in the whole world!
The best part of everyday!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


My little man is growing up too fast! Hard to believe that he is 5 years old! Seems like only yesterday, I was still pregnant and we were all waiting on his arrival! Papa Craig and Mabel came down to help us bring in the 5! Carter got to pick his favorite place to eat which of course, is Mexican food AKA: the cheese dip.

A recap of my sweet baby boy!

Spiderman cake we took to school for his friends and we enjoyed the leftovers after our Mexican food.
Carter and Papa Craig.
Opening his card from Great Paw-Paw Ernie and Great Grandma Lucy.
Opening presents from Mommy, Daddy, and Layla!

A new bat from Papa Craig and Mabel! That will definitely come in handy as we prepare for fall ball in September.
The remaining cake from school! I am usually pretty birthday caked out by the end of May.
Making a big wish!
Enjoying her cake knowing her birthday is on Tuesday! Where has all the time gone?
Playing with his new haul! Looks like someone had a pretty awesome birthday!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Nails with Mommy!

Mommy needed a break on some toe paintin' lately, so I decided to take Layla to the nail salon with me to get a pedicure! She had a blast..picked out her own color and managed to weasel her way into a design on her toes!

They had a chair just for her!
She sat there like a big girl and enjoyed her pedicure!
Hot pink is her color for sure! Plus, a white flower to complete the deal! In June, we will be going back to get a pedicure with Mimi and Great Grandma Lucy right before the beach!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Our game got cancelled due to the all the rain we have been getting and felt that we needed to get the kiddos out of the house for the afternoon. Some friends of mine had been telling me about a place called Everland. It is very similar to Catch Air and Monkey Joe's, except it has a dress up section and lots of other fun things for the kiddos to do.

Carter's good friend Addi met us at Everland for a playdate! Carter and Addi have been friends since they were young 2's.
Little Miss Thang keep it classy in princess gear while playing in the kitchen.

First, Spiderman and now the Crew Chief.

Driving the boat on the ship. That poor kid behind was patiently waiting his turn.
Love these two!
Spiderman made a big debut while we were there and Carter went nuts! He loves Spiderman!
And Elmo! What a blast on a rainy Saturday i'll say!