Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from my little dragon and princess! We spent Halloween at Mr. John's house just like last year and the year before. 

Happy Halloween 2012!
My pretty princess ready to trick or treat, except once we got going, she got a little scared of all the other costumes and enjoyed collecting candy from her stroller.
Carter was such a big boy this year! I was sad that I actually didn't have to hold his hand when he rang door bells to collect candy. Not to mention, he tried to run ahead and leave mama behind.

Chris and Carter before trick or treating!

Proud of their candy! I forgot how hard it is to get a full bag of candy (lots of hard work).

Halloween Preview!

Here is a little preview of my duo in their costumes before school today!

A fire breathing dragon...
and a pretty princess!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carvin'

We spent our Sunday evening carving our pumpkin for Halloween on Wednesday! 

The perfect pumpkin!

They were so excited, they could barely stand it.
Proud of my handy work.
Hard at work...

All ready for Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Today we went to our favorite pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin to do some Sunday night carvin'. It was really windy and the temperature had dropped a good bit, so we weren't able to stay very long. And although it was cold, the kids still had a blast just as much as last year and the year before.

Randy's pumpkin patch 2012!
Searching to find the perfect pumpkin to carve!
Layla didn't like Freddy Krueger and Al thought it was so funny.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Team Party!

After the game, we went to Monkey Joes to celebrate all the players hard work and dedication this season. We had such a good time eating pizza, playing, and of course, receiving the trophies!

Al and his babies playing at Monkey Joes.
Pizza time! We knew they were hungry when all we heard was silence.
Trophy time!
So proud of his trophy.
Thanks for an awesome season Little Gators!

Last game of the season!

Today was Carter's last game of the fall season! Al and I are so proud of our little ball player! We are looking forward to more baseball in the spring.

Last time batting for the season.
And a home run for #11, Carter Hardin!
Cheering on her big bro from the stands.

One last handshake...
And one last GO GATORS! It has been an awesome first season for Carter and we are hoping to be on the same team in the spring.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Cousin!!

Congratulations to my cousin Josh and his wife, Abbi, on their new baby girl..Aura Catherine Jones! Carter and Layla can't wait to meet their new cousin at Thanksgiving and I can't wait to get my hands on her!
Aura Catherine Jones
7lbs 1oz
20 inches long
Mom and baby are both doing well!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Funday

Today was such a nice day outside that my little duo got some playtime outside after church. Carter had a baseball game this afternoon so trying to squeeze in a nap was just not happening.

Carter's wardrobe speaks for itself. Half ready for his baseball game and half ready for his nap.

While Layla seemed pretty content in her church dress as long as she has her water cup.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Happy 5 year anniversary to my number one guy! It's hard to believe it has been 5 years since we got married. 5 down and many more to come!