Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, October 31, 2011


This Halloween we went to John's house like last year and hit the streets! The little "monsters" were so much more in tuned to Halloween this year and each year keeps getting better and better.

Carter underwent a costume change. His class at school did Noah's Ark and Carter was one of the cats and decided he wanted to stay a kitty for trick-or-treating.

Little Chris all decked out in his costume! He loves Carter!

These two were ready to go get some candy!

My little piglet ready to go as well! Layla's costume was quite the hit of the neighborhood. She was definitely ready for Halloween because she sure had the whole "growling" thing down pact. I tried explaining that the pig says "oink". Oh well, I guess wild boars growl.

Layla and I ready to eat some candy..my uncooperative three year old aka: "kitty kaaaaaat" (Wedding Crashers..LOL) was not in the picture mood.

The spooky grave yard John's neighbor sets up every year!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Preview

Tonight I did this year's annual Halloween Preview just like last year!

Our little fire chief, courtesy of Aunt Kathryn and Uncle Jim!

Our little pork chop! Carter picked out Layla's costume!!

These two are ready for Trick or treating tomorrow!!!!

Spooky Kitty Cake Pops!

I had gotten a magazine this month that had various Halloween cake pops on it. The recipe is for 24 and you can make all kinds on little creatures on them. I chose to make the kitties thinking they would be the easiest.

I was wrong!

Only six out of my 24 survived...

As for the others, they either got eaten or thrown away due to frustration. Looks like these will be for the kid's teachers as oppose to the class seeing how I only have six.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carvin'

Today my coworker and her daughter, Ashlynn, came over to carve pumpkins and hang out! The kids sure had some tricky designs picked out for their pumpkins..too bad it was Heather and I doing all the guttin' and carvin'. My hubby was at the GA/FL game cheering on our dawgs so he got to miss the messy fun. Here are some pictures from our evening!

The start of our pumpkins after some hardcore guttin'

Heather hard at work on that witch Ashlynn picked out.

Sweet little Ashlynn..she is five and Carter thought he was five too..we had to go back and review how old we are..including Heather and I.

Carter not wanting to cooperate for pictures.

I don't think Ashlynn had really met trouble until she got to hang with these two for a few hours.

After lots of pumpkin goo and candy..these three were covered from head to toe and needed a bath. This is the first time my pair has ever had a bath buddy other then each other.

Much better smiles here!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

School Pics

Here is some pictures of the school picture proofs..LOL. I am actually really impressed with how well all these turned out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My New Client

This evening I had a new client come in who was wanting to prepare for her picture day at school tomorrow.

Here she is with her purse and a messy head. Not to mention, when those flag shorts come out..that must mean her mama has not done laundry.

Getting ready for her blow dry!

Shiny locks ready for school pics tomorrow!

Ready to get her toes painted..even though she will be in Mary Janes and her toes will not be seen..I guess she figured why she was here she might as well get it done.

Pretty toes! Looks like this sweet little baby will be all ready for her picture day!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Cake Fun!

I have been becoming quite the chef here lately..to start out I made some Chicken Marsala and spaghetti with marinara sauce and to top it off a pumpkin cake for my sweet little babies.

Our little pumpkin cake!

Carter completely bouncing off the walls before he had any cake at all..haha.

Chicken Marsala dinner..so delicious!!!!!

Skipping through our spaghetti and heading straight for dessert.

A familiar face!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nana's backyard fun!

Saturday we loaded up the kids and pup and headed to Walhalla to see Nana Bev. Unfortunately I didn't take a lot of pictures but I did happen to get some photos of the kids and Gracie playing outside in the beautiful fall weather!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Happy 4th Anniversary to my baby daddy..LOL!! Almost half a decade babe..you know what they say once you hit the big 5...smooth sailing (one more year to go) I love you!!

October 19th 2007!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Paintin

We have been getting real festive for Halloween here in Georgia! This weekend, I let the kids pick out some pumpkins they wanted to decorate for Halloween and they sure got to work!

These two were soooooo excited about decorating their pumpkins.

Sweet boy hard at work!

Layla watching me paint her pumpkin..notice her little shiner on her eye, poor baby girl fell at daycare.

Carter got pretty creative with his pumpkin..I honestly did not help him at all.

I still am a little unsure how Carter got his pumpkin to be this color (I think it might have been a combo of all the colors mixed in together) but it is still the prettiest pumpkin this mama has ever seen.

Me and Layla's pumpkin! I think it will do very nicely for my fall decor!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hocus Pocus

Another manic Monday at this Hardin household full of a furry ware"pup", two wicked babies, a zombie mama, and a ghouly daddy...typical Monday.

The famous ware"pup"..wild and full moon ready.

The ghouly daddy and one wicked (I mean wicked) baby.

Don't let this innocent picture fool you...

Or this one...
Yup..there goes the gang of ghouls upstairs for their bath. As for this "zombie" mama, I am tired of this Hocus Pocus and ready for Tuesday!