Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On the mend...

This weekend was awfully eventful for us. We started our Friday off with ice-cream at DQ with Laura, Matt, Vivian, Issac, and Laura's mama. Saturday, I signed my little man up for Tball which is called the "little peanut league" (so cute), and running errands for our beach trip this coming weekend. Here are some "out and about" pictures I took with my phone of our weekend.

Enjoying a hot fudge sunday with Laura and Matt.

Layla enjoying her hot fudge sunday too! Feeling a little better, I too, indulged in a hot fudge sunday. Of course, these are clearly how I survived for the two weeks of recovery after my surgery. I still cannot eat anything super crunchy or rough.

This is what I get when I tell someone that they have to take a nap because she was misbehaving in Target.

Susanna Power Puff girl's pool party! Layla loved the indoor waterpark why Mr. Carter played on the side. I am hoping that he likes the waves of the ocean.

Enjoying a little fun in sun!

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