Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On the mend...

This weekend was awfully eventful for us. We started our Friday off with ice-cream at DQ with Laura, Matt, Vivian, Issac, and Laura's mama. Saturday, I signed my little man up for Tball which is called the "little peanut league" (so cute), and running errands for our beach trip this coming weekend. Here are some "out and about" pictures I took with my phone of our weekend.

Enjoying a hot fudge sunday with Laura and Matt.

Layla enjoying her hot fudge sunday too! Feeling a little better, I too, indulged in a hot fudge sunday. Of course, these are clearly how I survived for the two weeks of recovery after my surgery. I still cannot eat anything super crunchy or rough.

This is what I get when I tell someone that they have to take a nap because she was misbehaving in Target.

Susanna Power Puff girl's pool party! Layla loved the indoor waterpark why Mr. Carter played on the side. I am hoping that he likes the waves of the ocean.

Enjoying a little fun in sun!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Miss Layla changing her baby's diaper!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Micah's Birthday

Every August, I always consider Miss Micah's birthday to be the last of the party season. Being the last to turn four in her gang, she is as ready to be four as any of the others. Carter and Micah have been in the same class since they were two and have been good pals ever since.

The sweet birthday girl!
All the yummy fixins'
Cupcakes with cotton candy underneath. Al and I are set up for a late night with this sugar high.
Carter enjoying his pixie stick dipped marshmallow!
This sweet girl loves a good party!
Good picture of some of the gang. Sadly, some of them have been split up for Pre-K.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Monday, I finally underwent a Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy after years of suffering from Chronic Strep Throat and Tonsilitis. Nana came down to help Al with the children why I have been recovering at my mothers in Royston. Feeling a little better today (day 5), but I still have a long way to go. Looking forward to putting all of this behind me and relaxing at the beach in a couple of weeks.
I could kill Al for this but this is me right after the procedure and now throatless. I think Al is liking the "Haley has no voice thing". I hated Carter's pre-k pictures were so short but we had an early arrival at the hospital.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Monday was Carter's first day of Pre-K. It is so hard to believe that next year he will be starting kindergarten. Here are some pictures of him on Monday morning.

Al and I have learned that Carter is a lot like his Mama and not a morning person although if he wakes you up in the morning, he is awfully snuggly!

Nana and her Pre-K boy. Nana had come down to help me out but that is another story (see above).