Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today my favorite little pair had their belated 2 and 4 year old check ups. The visit went very well; the kids left full of lollipops and covered in stickers.

Carter and Layla after an eventful morning at the pediatrician.

Carter left with a little more then stickers and lollipops. Poor little guy got four shots and some blood drawn so, he also left with five band aids.
 At four years old:
Carter weighs 33lbs and is the 35% in weight
He is 41 inches tall which puts him in the 50% in height
Which leaves him in the 5% in BMI
Sweet little guy is tall and skinny

Layla luckily did not need any vaccines, however, she did get her little finger pricked.

At two years old:
Layla weighs 25lbs and is in the 20%
She is 33 3/4 inches tall and is the 30%
And a big ol' head at 50cm in the 65%

1 comment:

  1. They have grown so much. I remember them when they were newborn babies. Poor Carter =(
