Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Paw-Paw!

This weekend my gang and I traveled to Clemson to celebrate Al's granddad's 95th birthday! We had such a great time visiting with family and congratulating the birthday boy on celebrating 95 years!

The birthday boy sporting his 95 shirt.
My gang with Paw-paw and Beetsie. Carter and Layla were a little tired to say the least...
Playing on the porch with Banks and Keira.
The Hardin cousins! I don't think Aunt Kathryn could have worded it any better...TROUBLE! Missing cousins, Molly and Claire. Victoria was assisting in the picture taking.
The girls!
Banks and Layla. They are about 7 months apart.
Sophie giving Carter kisses. These two schemers are about 9 weeks apart.

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