Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

School Celebration!

Tonight, Carter had his end of the summer school celebration! Carter did so well singing and dancing up on stage with all his buds. After the program we were able to eat dinner with our little super star!

Singing on stage. These are not the best pictures due to the lighting.
Some of the children in Carter's class.
Carter and his best bud, Will. Where ever you see these two, trouble is short to follow.

Layla came out to the show to support her big bro!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In loving memory!

Thursday, July 19th, my grandmother lost her battle to brain cancer. My brothers, dad, and I went to Ohio to celebrate her 79 years of love, life, and joy. My grandmother was always the life of the party, she had never met a stranger, and loved to laugh. She was involved in her church and loved her family. She will be missed.

Betty Louise Oberer
January 23, 1933-July 19th, 2012

My brothers, dad, uncle Rick, and I before the viewing.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


This might not look like a face that is grounded, however someone went to bed with no TV time, dessert, or a bedtime story.

Carter got a bad note sent home from Mrs. Kathy and here is he is being punished!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Little Snuggles

After a busy weekend full of traveling, visiting family, parties, and the pool, these sweet little babies are wore out!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Paw-Paw!

This weekend my gang and I traveled to Clemson to celebrate Al's granddad's 95th birthday! We had such a great time visiting with family and congratulating the birthday boy on celebrating 95 years!

The birthday boy sporting his 95 shirt.
My gang with Paw-paw and Beetsie. Carter and Layla were a little tired to say the least...
Playing on the porch with Banks and Keira.
The Hardin cousins! I don't think Aunt Kathryn could have worded it any better...TROUBLE! Missing cousins, Molly and Claire. Victoria was assisting in the picture taking.
The girls!
Banks and Layla. They are about 7 months apart.
Sophie giving Carter kisses. These two schemers are about 9 weeks apart.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today my favorite little pair had their belated 2 and 4 year old check ups. The visit went very well; the kids left full of lollipops and covered in stickers.

Carter and Layla after an eventful morning at the pediatrician.

Carter left with a little more then stickers and lollipops. Poor little guy got four shots and some blood drawn so, he also left with five band aids.
 At four years old:
Carter weighs 33lbs and is the 35% in weight
He is 41 inches tall which puts him in the 50% in height
Which leaves him in the 5% in BMI
Sweet little guy is tall and skinny

Layla luckily did not need any vaccines, however, she did get her little finger pricked.

At two years old:
Layla weighs 25lbs and is in the 20%
She is 33 3/4 inches tall and is the 30%
And a big ol' head at 50cm in the 65%

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Lovin'

The park is always one of our favorite summer spots. One of the parks down the street from our house finally got renovated and opened back up! The kids played a while and afterwards we went to DQ and got some ice-cream!

Carter and Layla feeding the ducks.
Making their way to the slide.
Everyone happy to be enjoying some ice-cream after a hot day at the park.
Love them!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy July 4th!

Happy 4th from Al, I, and our sweet babies! We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday celebrating the almighty red, white, and blue!

Monday, July 2, 2012


With the temperatures as high as 103 in Georgia, the kids have not had much outside time. Even after work, the temperature is still really high. With the rain moving in tonight, the kids had some much cooler air and got to have a little time outside.

Here are some pictures of my sweaty, grateful pair enjoying the cooler weather (upper 80s):