Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tis the season...for Pneumonia, URI, Strep, and the Shingles!

I know I've been a slacking mama on my blogging lately but we have all been so sick. Layla came down with Pneumonia and Carter has had an upper respiratory infection and I came down with Strep Throat and the Shingles. It has been one terrible roller coaster this past week..with several trips to Scottish Rite and to the pediatrician. I think they have our number on speed dial. Poor Al has been such a good nurse though..taking care of two sick kids and his wife that is basically quarantined from the rest of the family.

It's pretty sad when your 18 month old knows when she needs her nebulizer and knows how to use it. Bless her heart!

Carter in the middle of a coughing spell..poor sweet baby boy.

I also no longer have to sit with Layla while she does her treatments. She is such a big girl. The kids seem to be getting much better everyday..their poor mama on the other hand is just pitiful.


  1. Glad everyone is feeling better!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! We love y'all and I don't think shingles or no shingles you of all people could ever look bad =)
