Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

31 Weeks!

It's getting hard to believe that in 9 weeks or less Baby Girl Hardin will be here. I decided I needed to post some more belly photos since I haven't in a while. The pregnancy is progressing just fine with zero complications. Thats right, no diabetes this time around. Thanks to the gym and chasing Carter around..we are in good shape. Carter actually has a little understanding that what he refers to as "mommy's ball" is an actual baby inside my tummy. He will pull up my shirt and say "Hi bebe" (Bebe is how Carter says baby FYI)! It is too precious. Al, however, doesn't find it as amusing when Carter walks up to his tummy and says mama's ball.

**31 Weeks 1 day**

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