Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, February 27, 2017

Movies with Mom!

Carter and I attended "Movies with Mom" at his school this past Saturday! I loved meeting all his friend's mamas, eating dinner, and watching "The Secret Life of Pets" with my little man.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Paint Party

Layla went to one of her BFF's birthday parties and had a blast! Such a fun and cute idea for a party!

Sweet friends!
The "before"...

The "after."

Lia and Layla, BFF's since kindergarten!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Father-Daughter Dance 2017!!

Al and Layla attended their first father-daughter dance this year. It was held at her school, and they had a blast dancing the night away with all of her friends and their dads.

My sweet girl ready for the dance!

The doorbell rang at 5:15 sharp!
Complete with flowers!

Be still my heart!
Some pictures Al took while at the dance.
Layla's best friend, Rowan and her dad!

My sweet little date and I went to IHOP!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines!

My sweet little Valentines!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Dirty Thirty!

Turning thirty has definitely been bittersweet for this mama. While I know age is just a number, there have been some noticeable differences since turning twenty a decade ago such as:
  • I thought disrupted sleep was over once Layla started sleeping through the night as a baby. Boy was I wrong! My poor thirty year old bladder can only make it until about 3:30 a.m. before awakening me and screaming, "hey, don't you know we're thirty now!" 
  • Not that I was ever a big drinker, but you can forget surviving a hangover without feeling like you need oxygen, an IV pole, two Xanax, and a cold dish towel. 
  • Sporting my natural hair color again is now only a fantasy, I found a grey hair or three. Looks like the blonde will be there to stay. So don't worry, there will be no more guessing which hair color I will have when I show up at a family event.
  • I never cared for my legs much anyways, however, thirty has introduced me genetically to varicose veins. 
  • Metabolism, well that's just honestly another blog entry for itself. 
Despite the shortcomings of the 3-0, I am so blessed to of seen another decade! Here's to 10 more years of fabulous! 

My coworker and her master photography skills sure know how to make a girl feel twenty again!
My best friend, Tina, and Al threw me a small party at Provinos. Not a lot of pictures to show seeing how I am the photographer in my family, and I was the one being celebrated! 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Superbowl Sunday!

We were mighty excited to cheer on our dirty-birds! Much to our dismay, they did not win the championship against the patriots. There is always next year! 

Sweetest little Falcon fans!

Singing the National Anthem.
Enjoying some Falcon cupcakes!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Proud Mama!

Third grade really gave us a run for our money this year. Carter fell behind in math this year, and worked so hard to improve his grade. With lots of practice, he accomplished his goal and exceeded more than our expectation goal. So proud of him! He received the effort award at school!