Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Little Champions!

Layla's team played hard for the championship today, but unfortunately came in second place by one point! So proud of the girls and all their hard work. They had to play a three game tournament in one day, and still played hard. 

Layla and her team!
Lining up to receive their second place medals.

The team they played were mostly girls who turned seven mid season and will be moving up in the fall. I must say, our little 5/6 orange crushers gave them a run for sure!
It's always hard playing against your friends. At least it ends with a hug and fun!
Layla and Coach Jason. This was his first season as head coach, and he did an awesome job with the girls! Hope to see him again in the fall.
Proud of my little slugger!
Showing off her medal! 

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