Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bataan Memorial Death March

Al and I went to his grandfather's honorary Bataan Memorial Death March last weekend and what an awesome experience! 

Plane selfie and we're off! It was definitely a bittersweet moment for this mama, because it was the first time I have ever left both kiddos.
The honorary celeb! I'm convinced I need this man's autograph after last weekend.
Beautiful desert view!

White Sands Missile Range! Lots of sand dunes!

The dune crew!

Rolling down the dunes LIKE A BOSS!
The end result...the sand wasn't as soft going down.
Morning of the march!

The whole Ben's Brigade crew!
Family shot!

What a fun trip! Hoping to take Carter next year!

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