Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bataan Memorial Death March

Al and I went to his grandfather's honorary Bataan Memorial Death March last weekend and what an awesome experience! 

Plane selfie and we're off! It was definitely a bittersweet moment for this mama, because it was the first time I have ever left both kiddos.
The honorary celeb! I'm convinced I need this man's autograph after last weekend.
Beautiful desert view!

White Sands Missile Range! Lots of sand dunes!

The dune crew!

Rolling down the dunes LIKE A BOSS!
The end result...the sand wasn't as soft going down.
Morning of the march!

The whole Ben's Brigade crew!
Family shot!

What a fun trip! Hoping to take Carter next year!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lucky Charms!

Happy St. Patty's Day! My sweet lucky charms! 

Game ball!

My sweet girl hit her first ball tonight without using the tee, and earned herself the game ball! So proud of her!

Layla and Coach Jason!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I had not been feeling well, so my mom came to help out for a couple of days! So appreciative of her help! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Opening game!

Carter and Layla had their first game today, and of course they were at the same time. It was tough toggling back in forth between both games, but both kiddos played really well! So proud of them! 

Layla's team is the Orange Crush! These girls had a very successful win today, 10-4!
Layla and her friend, Laney!

Batter up!
Like a boss!
Carter's team is the Diamondbacks! These guys didn't give up without a fight, but took their first loss. That's ok though, each time they'll improve.

Opening ceremony for all the teams!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

School pics!

Got Carter and Layla's spring pictures back--hard to believe how grown up they are!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Here and there!

A little collage of events these past few days/week.

Park time again! Loving all this beautiful weather!

Election day!
This sweet girl broke her leg on a slide at the park, this is her at her casting appointment.
Mean while in Chemistry class for me....
Sleep overs with Lewis!
Poor cat!
One of the sweetest little voters in Georgia!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bring on spring!

We enjoyed some much needed Vitamin-D at the park today! Freeman's Mill Park is definitely one of our favs!

Reading the history of the mill to Layla! Of course, she can read it now to herself ;)
Love them so!

"Enough pictures mom, we are ready to play!"