Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Happy Halloween! Hard to believe it has come and gone. We went to our usual spot in Buford to Trick-or-Treat with some friends. Lots of fun was had and the kiddos got a nice haul of candy!

A pizza delivery boy and his pizza! Bwhahaha, oh yes we did and we were sober at that. Although the question in terms of sobriety was mostly directed at me. Who honestly would walk around in pizza footie pajamas?
I still have absolutely no idea what possessed this child to be a scarecrow, but she sure made a cute one!
My sweet babies ready to trick or treat! Carter decided he wanted to be the infamous Jaws again this year. Truth be told, I was completely ok with that and so was my wallet. 
First house of the night!! You can't beat Halloween on a Saturday!

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