Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015


My birthday beau turned 32 this past Friday! 32 sure looks good on you "bae" (the young college kids keep me up to date with all the new age lingo, although it never tends to flow as well when I say it). 

Since Al was the winner at the Tacky Christmas sweater party last year, we decided he needed a tacky hat to go with his ensemble this year.

Al also has a un-candid love for nutcrackers, so we found him a talking one.
And a pocket sized one (He DESPISES nutcrackers).

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Some pictures of our Thanksgiving feast! So much to be thankful for! Lots of food, family, and fun! What better way to celebrate?

So thankful and blessed to be apart of this family!
So blessed to of come from the best...
So blessed to have the absolute best and they call me, mom.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Purple Out!

Carter went to his first college football game to cheer on the Clemson Tigers!! Al's grandad was also receiving a dedication before the game started. 

My guys all geared up for the game! Carter was not real thrilled to be sporting one of Layla's purple shirts underneath--such a trooper!
Paw-paw's dedication ceremony.

Stadium selfie! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Knight at the Museum 2

Carter and Layla had their second knight at the museum the other night. Not a whole lot of pictures due to my battery dying on my phone.

Layla outside of her ginger-bread themed classroom!
My little man showing off his Cherokee Indian display--like a boss!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Seattle, GA

Rain, rain, go away! Seriously, go away! It has literally rained for a month with 1-3 days of sunshine in between days of endless showers. Here are a couple of pictures showing how us Georgians have been surviving this northwest escapade.

We go to school in the rain.. (Phone pic+rain=blurry)
We celebrate red ribbon week at school..in the rain.
We have uniform day in the rain, followed by...
More rain...
We work on online school assignments (practicing for snow days here in old Gwinnett County) in the rain...
We enjoy homemade bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits in the rain...
Appointments at the dentist in the rain...
Date Night? Yeah you guessed it! In the rain!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Lunch dates!

A couple of my professors cancelled class today, which meant that I got to have lunch with my two favorite people. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Happy Halloween! Hard to believe it has come and gone. We went to our usual spot in Buford to Trick-or-Treat with some friends. Lots of fun was had and the kiddos got a nice haul of candy!

A pizza delivery boy and his pizza! Bwhahaha, oh yes we did and we were sober at that. Although the question in terms of sobriety was mostly directed at me. Who honestly would walk around in pizza footie pajamas?
I still have absolutely no idea what possessed this child to be a scarecrow, but she sure made a cute one!
My sweet babies ready to trick or treat! Carter decided he wanted to be the infamous Jaws again this year. Truth be told, I was completely ok with that and so was my wallet. 
First house of the night!! You can't beat Halloween on a Saturday!