Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Valentines!

Carter had the flu this year on Valentine's Day, but he sure didn't allow it to spoil all the fun! Little did we know, we would all be doomed with the flu in only a matter of days. There is honestly nothing worse than having to take a test with the flu because there is a zero make-up policy for that particular professor. I bossed it with a 95, but I could have made a 100 if I didn't have the flu (insert sarcasm here).

Enough venting, back to our Vday fun...

I made heart shaped pancakes for my favorite little Valentines! Can you imagine the colon scare we all had the next morning after coffee? You got to love red food coloring--haha!

Our nice vday spread.

Valentine selfie with my sweet boy. Poor little fella was absolutely miserable.
A special thanks to my mom for still coming to watch the kiddos in flu infested territory, so Al and I could enjoy this Valentine's Day dinner out. 
Our Valentine from Layla!

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