Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tacky Christmas Sweater party!

Al and I attended our first tacky Christmas sweater party tonight! What fun! Turns out, I am married to the winner.

I have to admit that I would have been pretty shocked if Al didn't win hahaha! Al was a sport wearing a woman's vest and mine was an XL and huge.
My girls!
A tacky sweater party selfie with my winner!
Happy about his reward! A tacky sweater coffee mug along with a Starbucks gift card.
Al and Addi's dad, Zack! They had their tacky on for sure.

Hot Chocolate bar for all the kiddos!
And a book exchange for the kids. We figured with their parents all looking silly, they needed to walk away with something.

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