Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014!

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Santa Claus somehow, someway made his way to visit the Atlanta Hardins. My mom and Chase were here to celebrate the fun! 

Our beautiful tree!
Layla's Santa haul.
Carter's Santa haul.
Santa even still visits Uncle Chase.
Waiting on the stairs to see what Santa left.
Uncle Chase still has to wait on the stairs.

Al checking out what Santa left him. Surprisingly, it wasn't a lump of coal.
Mom and I working hard in the kitchen.
Breakfast casserole and orange danishes are the tradition!
Opening presents under the tree!
Chase opening up his "frat gear," LOL!

I think Hugh Hefner liked his new robe and crystal decanter set.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve!

Lots of getting ready for Santa around here!

Opening up one present on Christmas Eve...
Their annual Christmas Day matching pajamas. I think one day they will catch on.
Christmas Eve fun with cousin Baylee.
Sweet girl loved the paper and bow more then anything.
Setting out cookies and...
Uncle Chase hard at work assembling the dollhouse Santa left for Layla. It only took us until 1:30 a.m.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Eve Eve

Went for a quick visit to Saluda to visit the Skardons.

Ready to hit the road!
Reading to Paw-paw about Abraham Lincoln.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hardin Christmas!

Spent the weekend in Charlotte visiting Al's family! It was great getting to see all the cousins together along with Al's brothers, their wives, and Al's parents.

Sweet Cousins (L to R, Carter, Banks, Layla, Victoria, Sophie, Molly, and Claire was on Sue's lap).
Papa Craig and Layla.

Layla with Molly and Claire.

Two sweet princesses.

Gingerbread men makin' with Nana Bev!

Tuckered out after a long weekend with family. Preciousness!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Visit with Santa 2014

We took the kids to visit Santa Claus at the historic Lawrenceville Courthouse just like last year and the year before that...

Naughty or nice? They had their list ready for poor old Santa this year..ha! I think Layla's perspective of Santa has changed a lot from the first time she saw him in 2011.
Making ornaments in the elf's workshop.
Carter made a reindeer.
Layla made a Santa Claus.

Santa's sleigh!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tacky Christmas Sweater party!

Al and I attended our first tacky Christmas sweater party tonight! What fun! Turns out, I am married to the winner.

I have to admit that I would have been pretty shocked if Al didn't win hahaha! Al was a sport wearing a woman's vest and mine was an XL and huge.
My girls!
A tacky sweater party selfie with my winner!
Happy about his reward! A tacky sweater coffee mug along with a Starbucks gift card.
Al and Addi's dad, Zack! They had their tacky on for sure.

Hot Chocolate bar for all the kiddos!
And a book exchange for the kids. We figured with their parents all looking silly, they needed to walk away with something.