Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home with my family and several of the international soccer players from school. My brother Chase manages the soccer team and they had no where else to go since everything on campus was closed. They enjoyed their very 1st Thanksgiving here in America.

Adam (Sweden), Alex (Holland), Jack (England), Liam (England), and Kirsha (England). We had two more at the bar joining us from England as well. They were so grateful and really enjoyed traditional Thanksgiving food. I cooked a 28lb turkey and didn't have anything worth consuming left.
So thankful for these two!
Baylee boo's first Thanksgiving!
My crew! Thankful to spend the day with my family as well.

Al and Jack (England) shared a birthday this Thanksgiving. 31 and 19!
Birthday boys.

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