Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Last Night!

Last night visiting Amelia Island! Gonna miss this place! Until next time beach.

Downtown Fernandina Beach at the boat dock.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Water day!

Spent our last day at the beach and at the pool, getting the best of both worlds!

Al and Carter swimming in the pool!

Carter and I enjoying the sunshine!
Last day beaching it!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Family fun night!

The GTLA hosted a family fun night for all the attorney's and vendor's families Friday night.

Complete with jumpy house, face painting, dodge ball (with beach balls), hotdogs, hamburgers, live music..my kids and Al were sold.

Two beach babes!
Layla getting her face painted!

My beautiful little bird!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ice Cream take 2!

Ice cream at the beach has kinda been our thing since we started it in Nags Head with Booty Treats! So at Amelia Island, we come to DeNucci's Soft Serve just like last year.

These two have never met a stranger.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Beachin' It 2014!!

Back at our favorite beach spot!! 

So glad to be back!

Watching the sunset! Al's Hawaiian shirts managed to make it down here courtesy of me.
Two excited kiddos ready to enjoy the next five days at the beach!
The Omni resort where we stayed.
Hitting the waves!

My sweet babies and I. I have to admit that I am ready to retire and move here. Ready for an exciting week.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Swamp people!

My mom, Carter, and I loaded up early Saturday morning and headed to Waycross, GA to visit the famous...

Often imitated never duplicated...
Having a little lunch picnic at the park! 
Nothing like eating your lunch and having this gal pop out of nowhere. We later found out her name is Helga and she is preggo and due to lay her eggs in August.

Oscar's (see above) skeleton. Poor guy had horrible arthritis and broken bones. Alligators can live to be as old as 90.
We got to the Alligator oasis just in time for their lunch (see video below). My mom has a real queazy stomach so this was by far her least favorite part.

This cute little guy was quite the entertainer. He would swim, go down his slide, and do all sorts of tricks for tourist. I never realized how sociable otters are.

Visiting the Old Roy exhibit. Old Roy was there when I was a little girl and history says he was the quite the menace before being held in captivity to fisherman and their boats.

Gorgeous view from our boat ride. The tannic acid is what makes the water so dark. 

Touching a Rat Snake at the Nature show.
Baby alligator.
I decided to wear him on my head. Why not, my poor hair had already survived a rain shower..why not an alligator?
Soaking wet but we survived! Such a fun day!
The alligators during their lunch time.