Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, March 23, 2014

While Daddy's away

Al went out of town this weekend so that left me with two sweet little babies! We spent our Saturday at the park and then went to Addi's house for pizza and a movie.

A little park picnic with some Chick-fil-A, our ultimate fav.
Playground fun!
Anywhere her brother goes, she will follow.

A little walking through the park. 

We were on a mission to find a creek.
And success! We found one.

Then a little pizza and the movie, "Frozen" to end our evening with Addi and her mama. I had two tired kiddos for sure.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patty's Day!

We had a rainy St. Patty's Day here in Atlanta but that didn't stop a leprechaun from messing with my two special lucky charms.

Green pancakes for breakfast! The perfect way to start off the day.

Green cupcakes for an even better after school snack!

Our little devious Leprechaun. The kiddos found his pot of gold in the upstairs bathroom.
I guess the leprechaun had to use the potty while he was here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Relay for Life Pageant!

I entered Layla into a beauty pageant for the Relay for Life. Such a wonderful cause and a lot of fun! 

A lot of work goes into pageants: hair, makeup, pictures, and one tired 3 year old. Layla actually held up pretty well! The girl doing her hair won several of this Miss Georgia pageants and does hair and makeup for the little ones.
She is not sure how she feels about pin curls..haha.Your probably wondering if there were those crazy "Honey poo poo" (as I call her) moms there and yes, there was. No spray tan or fake lashes for my girl! Just some curls and lip gloss!
All ready to go on stage and have fun.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any stage pictures. I was onstage with her and Al was busy chasing around Carter. Nicole and my friend Tina took some and I will get them to send them to me and will upload them later.
Some of the other little girls who participated in Layla's age group. The little girl on the far right in the hot pink dress won the Grand Supreme title. It would be hard to be a judge because they were all so cute!
She didn't win the Grand Supreme crown, but she did place as one of the alternates and got a crown and trophy! So proud of her!
Proud of her winnings!
Pageant girls! What a fun day!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Just us girls!

Miss Layla has a beauty pageant this weekend for the Relay for Life and we are getting her nails done for her big day!

Sitting like a big girl and proud of her little purple toes. Such a fun and rare treat! I use to love going with my mom when I was a little girl. Such fun memories!
Purple toes to match her purple dress!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chalking it up!

Another gorgeous day outside! Perfect weather for some chalk after school.

Here are some shots of Layla at the park from earlier that day after our morning walk.
Loving all these warm days! So ready for flip flops and spring!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Knight at the Museum 2!

Carter had his second Knight at the Museum this week and it was focused on none other then his ultimate fav, George Washington! 

Carter and his teacher, Mrs. Russo.
The speech he gave during his video presentation on the school news. Definitely a keepsake for this mama.

Mrs. Russo recorded each of the children reading a fact about G.W. and then played it for each of the parents when we came in to view all their hard work.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Under the weather..

We had a nasty cold that took all four of us down this past week. 

Poor Carter was the first victim to come down with the nasty cold. A couple of silly selfies with mama to help cheer him up.

The next victim was poor Layla! And no, you will not find any dramatic photos of Al or I. Although we both were pretty pitiful. I came down with it on Friday and we had an auction event to attend through Al's work. Nothing worse then feeling like crud in a fancy dress and heels.
A little sunshine and bubble blowing on Saturday cheered everyone up a little bit. Nothing worse then being sick on a gorgeous weekend day.
It's ok, we will all be well for the freeze warning this coming week..haha.