Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hardin Family Christmas Tree!

Our tree's branches finally fell just right, so we got to decorating after school yesterday! We are calling it the Griswald tree because we didn't realize how much bigger it was then Christmases past trees. It takes up my whole living room just about and if you've been to our home, you know we are kinda space limited. However, we always pick a tree with its own personality and this one has a "BIG" personality. 

The kids were so excited to hang ornaments on the tree. I remember being little and my favorite part was going through the ornaments. It's almost like you forget which ones you have.

I give to you the Hardin family Christmas Tree! "She's a real beaut Clark".
What is tree decorating without a big old cup of hot chocolate on a cold rainy day?

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