Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Another great Christmas has come and gone! Hard to believe the year 2013 is almost over. Here are some pics/video from our Christmas morning.

The famous stair picture. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

'Twas' the night before Christmas

Carter and Layla have spent all of this evening getting ready for Santa! So excited for Christmas tomorrow!

Eating some cookies and milk before setting some out for Santa.
And plenty of food for the reindeer.

Looks like Santa Claus has already been to the Atlanta Hardins and visited Carter...
And Layla.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight! Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Brunch!

Had our annual Christmas Eve brunch at my Aunt's house today. Mimi and Uncle Chase also came by and exchanged gifts with us. I'll tell you what, I got two super excited kids about Santa.

Opening presents with Mimi.

Reading with Uncle Chase and Abby.
Playing with cousin, Aura!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve

Poor Carter has really been through it these last couple of days. Thursday, we went to the ER and were told he had croup. Saturday, we're back at the pediatrician for a high fever and it turns out he had the the flu (Influenza A). Poor baby, was devasted he had to miss out on his cousins and family. 

Working on getting better before Christmas!
Ark picked up the Flu too. We sure hope he can make it back to the North Pole in time to report the kiddo's "good" behavior.
Starting to feel like my sweet boy again. Well, he is always sweet, but you know what I mean.
Coloring a picture for Santa.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ho Ho Ho!

Finally got our visit in with Santa! We had a good time in the Elf workshop and looking at all the lights.

Such a sweet picture.
Having fun on Elf workshop making Santa Claus's and tree ornaments.

Christmas carolers inside singing.

Big tree in the square. I feel like now that we have seen Santa, our Christmas festivities are complete.

Friday, December 20, 2013


What a way to sure knock the holiday spirit in this Hardin household..a trip to the ER for the Croup. Yucky business there.

Although this sweet little boy was not letting Croup get in his way of Christmas fun. He had all the Doctors and nurses laughing when he told them that if he got a shot, Santa would not be visiting any of them.
We can always make the best of a unpleasant situation. Of course, this picture was taken after a huge dose of steroids. Needless to say, this poor mama has not slept.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Making a list and checking it twice..

The Atlanta Hardin children have been always naughty not nice (just kidding).

We have two kids all excited about Santa!

Working hard on that Christmas list for Santa!
Layla preferred to color all over her list. She informed me that she had already told Ark what she wanted for Christmas and he could tell Santa for her. Little stinker.

I am really starting to wonder if they were being so well behaved because they were writing their list to Santa or because these were in the fridge. Hmmmmm?
Carter's gifts to his wonderful teachers. He was devastated that he couldn't go to school today due to an ER trip for Croup, so I drove up to the school and delivered them for him.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Papa Craig, Mabel, and Mabel's nephew came to Atlanta for a quick visit and met us at the mall for a failed attempt to see Santa. Apparently, you have to have a "pass" to see him and there are only so many to go around, but the kids had a fun evening anyways! Looks like we will squeeze Santa in another day.

Looking at all the wildlife in Bass Pro!
Sweet babies. Bless their hearts, they thought they were going to see Santa. 
A special thanks to my dad for giving me the ability and knowledge to name all these fish.
A special merry-go-round ride. Sorry for the blurry pics.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Had a mommy and daughter date with this sweet girl today. We went to see Frozen and she had to wear her finest princess attire.