Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Franklin county just like last year. So thankful to have a wonderful family to bring in the holidays with.

I am most thankful for this Dynamic Duo!
So blessed to be their mommy!

Carter is thankful for pumpkins (odd), Mimi (surprise there), family, PBJ sandwiches, basketball, mommy and daddy, his classmates, friends, cousins, Iron man, and Mrs. Russo.
Layla is thankful for My Little Pony, Daddy, Furry (Gracie), "Tophie's house" (Sophie's house), Princesses, any and all food, and tea parties.
Our delicious spread...
The best part!
A special cake for the old man! I mean, my birthday boy!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Holiday! This is by far our favorite time of year!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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