Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Franklin county just like last year. So thankful to have a wonderful family to bring in the holidays with.

I am most thankful for this Dynamic Duo!
So blessed to be their mommy!

Carter is thankful for pumpkins (odd), Mimi (surprise there), family, PBJ sandwiches, basketball, mommy and daddy, his classmates, friends, cousins, Iron man, and Mrs. Russo.
Layla is thankful for My Little Pony, Daddy, Furry (Gracie), "Tophie's house" (Sophie's house), Princesses, any and all food, and tea parties.
Our delicious spread...
The best part!
A special cake for the old man! I mean, my birthday boy!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Holiday! This is by far our favorite time of year!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The big 3-0

Happy 30th birthday to my honey!! Hard to believe his 20s are over! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Slam Dunker!

Carter started basketball this month and bless his heart, he has never held a basketball before. Instead of shooting the ball, we want to through it like a baseball. Over the past few weeks, he has improved a lot.
I always thought Carter was more on the taller side for his age, but I guess I was off a little bit.
Sorry for the poor picture quality. These were taken with my phone from a distance.

Ark is back!

Our Elf on the Shelf, Ark, made his debut right before Thanksgiving. I personally think he has been more naughty then Carter and Layla. Here are some gimmicks he's been up to...

"I'm back! Carter and Layla! I am watching you. Ark".
Ark got into the daddy juice.
Ark got stuck on his way back from the North Pole.
Hot tub party with Pals. I think I need to write Santa about him.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Class field trip!

Today I met Carter's class at the Yellow River Game Ranch for his first field trip as a kindergartener. So much fun seeing all the kiddos excited about the animals. Carter's favorite was the coyote.

Class photo in front of General Lee's cage.
Happy girl excited to be at her brother's field trip.

The roosters come right up to you.

Most beautiful birds.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

After school treat!

I surprised Carter after school today and took him to meet up with Lewis for some ice cream. The perfect after school treat!

A little car ride fun!
Carter's excitement is written all over his face. He was actually mad at me because I made him get a cup instead of a cone. I told him he would actually get to eat more in a cup as oppose to wearing it all over his shirt.

Monday, November 18, 2013

This Turkey...

This Turkey....

And no, I don't mean the actual turkey!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dinner guest!

I got to have a girls night on Friday and my friends and I met Ryan Schaeder, #73 for the Atlanta Falcons! I felt real short.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Out with Mama!

One of Layla and I's favorite things to do when we are out and about is enjoy a little Starbuck's treat! Love this time of year!

My personal favorite is an Egg nog latte and I ordered this guy as a fun new treat. However, I felt sorry for him and couldn't eat him...
But Layla sure didn't mind him as a snack.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Knight" at the museum!

Tonight Carter's school had their annual "Knight" at the museum. Basically each grade chooses a theme and the parents get to come and see all their hard work.

Carter's class's theme was the post office.
Of course, he chooses to mail a letter to Mimi.
Working hard on mailing a post card to a classmate.

One of the classes had a paint theme.
Another class's theme was a pet shop. After our latest dog chaos, Carter chose to be a cat.