Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

End of Summer Program

This Friday is Carter and Layla's last day of daycare but luckily we got to end the summer with an awesome program!

Carter and his best pals, Grant and Isaac.

Layla and Jake.
The 2's, 3's and 4's singing.
Sweet Layla singing!
Carter's class!

So proud of them! This school has been such a blessing to us!
My sweet kindergartner and I! Can't believe he is starting school next week, but I am so glad I will be home to see him off and home when he gets back.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We had a playdate with my friend, Jasmine's little boy Noel! Seems like yesterday these two...

My lovely screen shot capabilities from an older blog entry. Just babies here.
Noel, 6 months old!
And to see them now! More devious then ever! Little Jasmine and Haley!

Monday, July 29, 2013


We're just such an ear infection family that even my poor fur baby got one :( bless her heart.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Little Cowgirl

What I find when I come home from the store. Al put on Dora the Cowgirl and it appears Layla got some inspiration.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Someone got a very special letter from his new kindergarten teacher today!

So proud of his letter. He is so excited to be starting kindergarten.


A little Friday night Dairy Queen! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Here and there

Such a busy weekend with the pool and my coworkers son turned 2! We ended our weekend with a nice back porch picnic.

Sweet birthday boy!

Family photo at the party. A phone picture, so it is a little blurry, but it is so rare that we get to take one.
Silly boy!

Perfect way to end the weekend.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rain free!

Finally some sunshine after weeks and weeks of rain. The kids and I got some much needed pool time. Next rain is suppose to hit this week.

Gorgeous summer day in Atlanta!

Getting ready to squirt her big bro. I heard lots of "STOP IT LAYLA!!!" along with everyone else at the pool.
Carter having a good time playing in the pool. This rain has had all in a funk.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Morning Snuggles

Love waking up and finding these two like this!

She loves to "suggle" with her big bro! Super cuties!

Monday, July 15, 2013


I finally think "Miss Thang" is getting the hang of this whole potty thing! Pretty sad knowing my big baby is about out of diapers. Weird to think I've been buying them for five years..should of invested in some stock.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 year Check up!

Today I took Carter for his belated 5 year old check up. Thank goodness we got our shots out of the way last year!
The face I got when I told him we were at the Dr. for him and not Layla (not that she too isn't due for her check up or anything).
Feeling a little better knowing that he will not be receiving any shots. I guess he didn't believe me and had to hear it from the Dr.
He weighed 36lbs (20% in weight).
He was 42 inches tall (40% in height).
His BMI was 12% for his age group. With how this child eats some cheese dip, you would think that his weight would be a little higher. Wish my body could eat unlimited cheese dip and look like his haha.
Keep laughing little Miss Sassy! Your check up is next and I can't promise it does not include shots or a finger stick.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Gwinnett Braves

Today Carter and Layla got to go to their first baseball game at the Gwinnett Braves Stadium!

Perfect day for a ball game and not to far from home!
We got to eat at the buffet before the game. Layla naturally is sassing Carter .
My little ball girl!
How close we were to home plate.
Chopper the mascot for the Gwinnett Braves and naturally Layla was not a fan. It was like the Sponge Bob freak out all over again. Bless her heart.
No peanuts or crackerjacks here, but the kiddos got all the popcorn they could eat and all the drinks for daddy if you know what I mean.
Carter meeting Marquis Grissom. 
Layla decided that she was going to steal Leo Mazzone's sharpie for her own keeping. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!!

Happy July 4th!! The rain spoiled most of our plans but we still made the best of it rain and all!

The beautiful fireworks.
My two favorite little firecrackers!
Happy boy with his sparkler!

Someone was not a fan of fireworks!
Best seat in the house!
Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday!