Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines!

 I celebrated Vday with my three favorite Valentines! The kids had class parties all day and came home with lots of love and candy from their friends at school. 

 We started our evening off with:

Red heart shaped french toast. You can never go wrong with breakfast for dinner, even on Valentine's Day!
Family Valentines!
Our Valentine from our sweet baby girl!
Carter opening up his Valentine...

Layla opening up her Valentine!

Al and I  instantly regretted  letting them eat all that candy before bed, but hey, Valentines only comes once a year! Carter decided that the chocolate covered coconut was not his favorite!

Last but not least, my Valentine roses from my Valentine!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine Cookies

Last night, the kiddos and I decided to make some Valentine's Day sugar cookies. It has been since Christmas that the kids and I had baked anything together, so we decided with Valentine's Day coming up..what would be a more perfect excuse?

They didn't turn out to be the prettiest cookies but Carter still had a ball decorating them.
Mixing up the icing with Layla's supervision of course.

Proud of his cookies!
The perfect after dinner treat!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Sunday we celebrated my 26th birthday! For whatever reason, I have had the hardest time excepting 26. Maybe it's because my license finally expired and I had to get a new one or that I am on the downhill slide to 30. To make my self feel better, I turned 21 for the 6th time!

Al and the kiddos went and got me a yummy cake. The kids were so excited about getting to eat some that they blew Al's cover. No surprises in this house!

I also got lots of help opening my presents!
My mom and brothers came over to help me bring in the big 2-6!
Not that anyone wants to see my feet, but my brother Nick paid for my mom and I to go and get our nails done together for my birthday! Pedicures are so hard to come by nowadays for this busy mama!

My sweet baby girl and I!
My present from Al and the kids!!! I think they did pretty good! What a great birthday!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


It is already that time of year again! Today, Carter had his baseball evaluations and I am so happy he remembered everything he had learned from the fall. Requesting the same coach from last season, Coach Francisco and Al are going to coach the team together!

Up to bat! 

Running the bases!