Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, April 30, 2012

Surgical Duo!

This morning started off to a crazy start. I had to get Carter to school and then get my surgical duo (Al and Layla) to their surgeries from some more ear tubes. They both did great and I think they are both starting to feel a lot better.

This sweet little girl was quite the hit on the surgical floor. She had anesthesia wrapped around her finger. It was about this time last year that Layla had her first set put in.

A special daddy was right next door to his sweet baby girl ready for his surgery.
She was a little disoriented when she woke up but was very happy to see mommy and her juice. She also wondered where her daddy was.
Turns out, he was in recovery next door. Layla wanted him to wake up and play. So thankful both their procedures went well.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday with Mimi!

Today I decided to be very brave and loaded up the kids and dog to go see my mom and brother in Commerce, GA. The kids had a great time enjoying the awesome summer weather, the countryside, and eating some yummy hamburgers for lunch.

Eating lunch!
This little strawberry need some sunscreen and a hat in the summer weather.
This sweet girl was exhausted after visiting the countryside..then again, she is a city dog.
Layla enjoying some M&Ms in the shade..thanks Mimi.
Uncle Chase and Layla.

Mimi and Uncle Chase saying goodbye.
My tired crew ready for the car ride home.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Tubes

Friday Al had taken the kids to their routine follow up at the ENT and it appears Miss Layla needs some more tubes placed in her ears. Her first set of tubes are completely out but her ears are refilled with fluid. Her surgery is scheduled for Monday April 30th along with her daddy! Here are some shots of her today at her pulmonologist getting cleared for surgery.

 Not very happy having to wait on the Dr. We had an incident this morning..upon going to get her ready for her appointment this morning, I found a sick Layla covered from head to toe in vomit and diarrhea. Normally when a situation like this occurs, I would have rescheduled her appointment but since her surgery is Monday..I had to get this clearance for anesthesia.

 We normally would leave the house in our school clothes but decided to stay in our jammies.

 We never go anywhere without our bows either. Speaking of her hair, I washed it three times and it still smelt horrible. It's a good thing we have more then one pink bow.

Getting ready for the car ride home.

This little guy's ears are in great shape and his tubes are working very nicely! Hopefully it stays that way.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Night Out!

Nothing too exciting going on in this neck of the woods other then Nana Bev coming down to keep the kids so my baby daddy and I could go overnight to a friends wedding!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

School Pics!

Picture time is back again and these two little ones are real photogenic if you can catch them smiling fast enough to snap a picture. Here are some pictures of their proofs. I will be sending everyone a better copy when they arrive! Again, sorry they are blurry.

Layla's school picture.

This is my favorite of the two of them.

My handsome little boy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter from the Atlanta Hardins! The kids awoke this morning to some special treats from the Easter bunny, had an egg hunt, and then we had lunch at my grandparents house in Royston. Carter and Layla really got into Easter this year even though Carter hogged all the egg hunting (what are big brothers for).

The Easter Bunny was very good to us this year!

Layla's stash!

Carter's stash!

What did the Easter bunny bring?

The Easter bunny was also good to Al!

Mimi and her grandbabies!

Layla trying to hunt down some eggs before her brother sees them.

Layla in her gorgeous Easter dress made by Nana Bev!

Happy Easter from Gracie!

Getting a good picture with this little guy is so difficult these days!

And same with this little gal!

Hope everyone had an awesome Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Dyeing!

We have been really getting into the Easter spirit around here..tonight we decided to dye our Easter eggs so the Easter bunny could hide them when he comes to see us tonight.

Carter anxiously awaiting his eggs...

Hard at work on her eggs! Layla has been really getting into the holidays this year. It has honestly been a lot of fun for them when the holidays come around.

Dyeing a pink one for Mommy! That's my favorite color!

His favorite color was the green! He all ready for bed at 7:30 and waiting on the Easter bunny's arrival.

Our finished products! The Easter bunny is ready to come here for sure!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun at Mimis!

I had Good Friday off today, so I packed up the munchkins and headed north to the countryside to see my mama!

They love exploring new places!

My two precious babies!

Layla on the tractor showing us how it is done.

Carter showing his sister how it's done.

Riding with Great paw-paw!

Carter and Mimi!

We had the best weather to be playing outside! I had some tired kiddos come bedtime.