Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today was Miss Layla's surgery to have tubes put in both ears. We were up at 5:45a.m. to have her there at 7:00. Layla was actually a hit in the pre-op room..laughing and smiling at all the nurses..she even let the anesthesiologist hold her. I walked her back to the OR and I had to wear a sterile gown and hat to actually go in the OR. It was hard on me to see her go down but she didn't cry at all. The procedure took about 10 minutes and then I heard her wake up..I would know that cry anywhere. Her surgery was a success and she couldn't wait to get that 8 oz bottle I had secretly packed. She has napped a good bit today and like Carter, I can already tell a huge difference.

We were real chatty back in the pre-op room. I think I was doing all the worrying for her.

For not having anything to eat at all, she acted really well!

Me looking a little rough from being up all night worrying..not to mention, this sterile yellow gown didn't help. This was right before we took her back.

Daddy feeding her that well deserved 8 oz bottle in the recovery room. It was gone in like 2 minutes!

Meanwhile..the pro decided to join us this morning for the surgery, juice and all. Carter stayed as far away as possible from anyone in scrubs for it wasn't too long ago that he had tubes put in.

Poor baby..wore out and hungry. She took a long nap when we got home! As said above, I can already tell she is starting to feel better.

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