Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thursday the babies, Gracie, and I were enjoying the beautiful spring weather by blowing some bubbles. Between Carter popping them, Gracie chasing them, and Layla trying to eat them..I don't think it was a good day for the poor bubbles.

Carter loves to be outside any chance he gets. No complaints from his end.

Miss Priss enjoys her fair share of sunshine as well.

And of course, Gracie loves being outside. She tries to heard the kids when they all run..it is so funny. I also refer to her as Scooby Doo. For a German Shepherd, she sure is the biggest ham you will ever meet.

Carter trying to blow some big bubbles..he was able to blow a few good ones!

This here is why Layla is not in charge of the bubbles...eating them is more a priority for her then watching them.

Hence her facial expression above. Even my sweet Gracie didn't want to eat the bubbles..if anything she ran from them.

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