Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, March 30, 2012

Double Trouble

Friday evening the kids and I decided to hang out in the backyard and enjoy the nice weather! I also managed to teach these two trouble makers a thing or two about "driving".
Driving his little sister around. He is such an awesome big brother!

Making sure everything is in good working order for her.

Driving down the hill!

Carter even allowed Layla to get behind the wheel....
Honestly I do not see that happening again from the looks of this picture!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easter Bunny Extravaganza!

Carter had been asking to see the Easter Bunny for several days, so I decided Saturday would be a great day to take the kids to see him.

All dressed up in their Easter attire for the mighty Bunny!

My handsome little fella!

My pretty princess..pigtails and all.

It turns out that Carter was the only one that made it in the official picture with the Easter Bunny...

While someone else cheered him on terrified from the sidelines. The Easter bunny was not for Miss Layla..last year it was Carter not to fond of him.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thursday the babies, Gracie, and I were enjoying the beautiful spring weather by blowing some bubbles. Between Carter popping them, Gracie chasing them, and Layla trying to eat them..I don't think it was a good day for the poor bubbles.

Carter loves to be outside any chance he gets. No complaints from his end.

Miss Priss enjoys her fair share of sunshine as well.

And of course, Gracie loves being outside. She tries to heard the kids when they all run..it is so funny. I also refer to her as Scooby Doo. For a German Shepherd, she sure is the biggest ham you will ever meet.

Carter trying to blow some big bubbles..he was able to blow a few good ones!

This here is why Layla is not in charge of the bubbles...eating them is more a priority for her then watching them.

Hence her facial expression above. Even my sweet Gracie didn't want to eat the bubbles..if anything she ran from them.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Amelia's St. Patty's Day party!!!

We spent our St. Patty's Day bringing in the green at Amelia's 4th birthday party at Catch Air! It was so fun celebrating her birthday (just like last year) with this little Leprechaun!

How lucky am I getting to spend St. Patty's Day with this handsome fella?

Carter couldn't quite understand that you are suppose to hold on and swing.

The kids dancing with Hello Kitty. The other mama's and I had so much fun watching all the kids dance. All of our kids have been together since they were young twos!

Happy Birthday Amelia!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Park Picnic

Today in Georgia, we had a high of 80 degrees, so the kids and I decided to pick some dinner up at our favorite spot and eat it at the park...


And of course after we ate our dinner we got to PLAY!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rain rain go away!

With such beautiful weather yesterday, today was quite a disappointment! However, these two little ones are happy to play outside in rain or shine.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring is on it's way!!!

Mimi, Uncle Chase, and Uncle Nick came down and spent this beautiful Sunday afternoon with us at the park today! The weather was gorgeous and the kids really enjoyed getting to wear some springy clothes too!

Sweet baby girl enjoying the sunshine!

I think the swings are probably her favorite!

Carter on the other hand, prefers the slide.

Waiting for her brother at the bottom of the slide!

Layla and Uncle Chase!

Carter and Mimi.

Even Gracie and my brother's dog Hooch, got to play at the park. That poor beagle was just trying to get a drink of their water.

My little boy enjoying the beautiful weather! After all the excitement this weekend, I had two tired little ones.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ava's 4th Birthday!

After a long week a Dobbins, we spent our first Saturday back together celebrating Ava's fourth birthday party at Chucky Cheese. The kids had an awesome time playing games, riding rides, and of course, eating pizza and cake (Sorry some of the pictures are blurry..I took them with my phone).

The sweet birthday girl!

Carter and his little crew!

Enjoying some yummy pizza! Chucky cheese actually does have pretty good pizza if I must say so myself :)

Layla enjoying some the carosel.

Happy Birthday Ava!!!

After this birthday party, Al and I had some mighty tired little ones! Me, I was glad to be home with my crew! I missed them so much!