Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fun at the Dentist!

Carter went to the Dentist today and finally got his teeth cleaned like a big boy. Our first attempt in August did not go over so well and after a temper tantrum later, they were not sad to see us reschedule. This time around, he had a blast..playing with all the toys and getting to hold all the tools that were going to be cleaning his teeth. I think it also helped that they had a dental hygienist come and talk to his class about going to the dentist.

Getting his first set of Xrays on his teeth.

Getting use to the bright light that was going to be beaming down on him while he was getting his teeth cleaned.

Getting ready....


And go...he had such a great time at the dentist and did so well. He was so excited to pick out a new tooth brush and a prize!