Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Tonight was a simple night for this crew. With me now having the flu, my evening schedule is all a mess. These little sweet faces know how to get Mama feeling much better!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Flu Shot Who?

Thursday night, my sweet little man came home with a low grade fever of 99 degrees and a little cough. After giving a little Motrin and Mucinex, he ate his dinner, had bath, and went on to sleep. Friday morning rolls around and he still feels warm so I took him to work with me and made him an appointment at the pediatrician. Once we got to the pediatrician, he was just pitiful and he told me his legs were hurting and that he was tired. Turned out, he had a fever of 103.4 and had a faint positive on an Influenza A test. Now in shock because both my kids had their Flu shots, the pediatrician told me that a person can still get the flu.

Even with all that fever, we still had an appetite.

Just pitiful..waiting for our appointment time at the pediatrician to come.

Poor little fella woke up this morning again, with a terrible fever.

This sweet little girl on the other hand, is just getting over a cold and hopefully does not catch the Flu.

She was also tasked to fix her big brother some chicken noodle soup!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Horsing Around

Here are two kids that do not want to go to sleep...

This is starting to become a nightly routine at our house...

Nothing like ending the night with a saline and blue ball syringe from the hospital two years ago. Love the look on Al's face as he does it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines!!


This Valentine's Day was an exciting day for my little Valentines..filled with morning pictures, class parties, opening presents, and of course spending time with my Valentine!

My little "heartbreaker"! Carter was so excited about his Valentine's Day party today!

Layla a little unsure of what is going on but always has on a smile!

Layla and her one and only Valentine...so Al thinks.

Carter and some of his classmates enjoying their treats at school!

Carter's Valentines mailbox and lovebug he made.

Then on down to see what Ms. Layla was up too in her class!

Word on the street is Trey is Layla's main catch!

Getting ready to open our Valentines!

See the anticipation...

Happy Valentines!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ready for Valentine's Day!

I know two little kids that are real excited about Valentines this year...

Layla picked out My Little Pony this year. I gave her a few choices which included Kitties and Puppies, Dora the Explorer, and Princesses.

Carter on the other hand, was quite content and set on his 3D dinosaurs for his classmates.

Cake before dinner is such a rare occasion around here but since we were in the Valentine mood, we decided to let it slide.

From Carter's expression, you can tell it's rare!

And as long as a good effort to eat dinner is made, we can do dessert first a little more often.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fun at the Dentist!

Carter went to the Dentist today and finally got his teeth cleaned like a big boy. Our first attempt in August did not go over so well and after a temper tantrum later, they were not sad to see us reschedule. This time around, he had a blast..playing with all the toys and getting to hold all the tools that were going to be cleaning his teeth. I think it also helped that they had a dental hygienist come and talk to his class about going to the dentist.

Getting his first set of Xrays on his teeth.

Getting use to the bright light that was going to be beaming down on him while he was getting his teeth cleaned.

Getting ready....


And go...he had such a great time at the dentist and did so well. He was so excited to pick out a new tooth brush and a prize!